Committees & Professional Tracks

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NAADA Committees play a vital role in the activities that NAADA is involved with annually. Below is a description of each committee. Please reach out to the committee chair (member login required) if you have questions or would like to volunteer. If you are not a member and have questions about committees please email Michael Micek, Executive Director at [email protected].

Awards Committee

Solicits nominations for and selects recipients of NAADA Individual awards (Frontline Award, Volunteer Service Award, Jane Longley-Cook Volunteer Service Award, Ruby C. McSwain Outstanding Philanthropist Award, Professional Achievement Award and Founders Distinguished Service Award). In addition, the committee prepares the award presentation for the NAADA Conference Awards Banquet.

Conference Committee

Oversees all aspects of planning the Annual Conference.

Education Committee

Develops the educational portion of the NAADA Conference by working with the Track Reps to identify and solicit topics, speakers, and session moderators.

Executive Committee

Is empowered by the Board to conduct business between Board Meetings. This committee is chaired by the President and is comprised of the Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Past President and the Executive Secretary which is an ex-officio member.

Marketing/Communications Committee

Responsible for overall marketing of organization, social media efforts, and the electronic newsletter.

Membership Committee

Responsible for developing strategies to retain current members and exploring opportunities to solicit additional NAADA members. Review, update, and launch the membership survey biennially. In addition, the committee oversees the first-timer buddy program at the NAADA Conference.

Nominating Committee

Solicits and evaluates candidates for Executive Officer roles and proposes slate of candidates before membership for vote at annual meeting.

Outreach Education Committee

Responsible for assessing, developing, and implementing diverse educational and networking programming outside of the annual conference, such as the virtual Beg, Borrow, and Steal sessions.

Publication/Project Competition Committee

Solicits and evaluates nominations submitted for the NAADA publication/ project competition. The Committee also coordinates the awards breakfast at the NAADA Conference.

Sponsorship Committee

Responsible for identifying and soliciting sponsorships for the NAADA Conference and organization. The committee collaborates with the host institution to approach local sponsors as well. Responsible for overseeing the revision of the sponsorship prospectus annually.